Smart Meter (Steiermark - Graz)


During this years summer vacation I invested some time into reading out energy consumption from my electric smart meter (Sagemcom T210-D-r) and the heat smart meter (Kamstrup Multical 403).

I assume that this might be of interest for other people which

Hardware Setup

I am reading both smart meters via a Raspberry Pi device using the interfaces as described on the github repo.


The python implmentation for reading both devices and publishing the information on a local MQTT service can be found in the according github repo.


In my case the posted measurements (following the Homie 4.0.0 Standard) are picked up as channels on my Openhab service. I am using InfluxDB as persistence service and the incomming state changes are persisted. Finally the data is visualized in a Grafana dashboard.

Below you can find example screenshots: